Founding Dean

Prof. Yaacov Yablon

    Bachelor study programs
    Master study programs
    Teacher training

    Prof. Yaacov B. Yablon is the Founding Dean of the Faculty of Education at Bar-Ilan University.

    He has previously served in a wide variety of positions, including the Head of the School of Education, the Head of the Department of Teacher Education and the Head of the Educational Counseling Program.

    His research focuses on youth at risk, with an emphasis on bullying and school violence, and the contribution of schools towards healthy student development. He served as a research fellow at Harvard University, and as a member of many national and international professional committees, such as the OECD Network on School Bullying and Violence, the Israeli Council for Higher Education and the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities. Prof. Yablon is a Council member of Yad Vashem and has served in a variety of public Committees and positions.













    Last Updated Date : 13/11/2022