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12.03.2023 | יט אדר התשפג

Democracy Event 2023: Learn, Listen, Communicate

BIU will host a unique democracy event on March 15 featuring TED-style talks and open discussions

הפנינג דמוקרטיה

The planned legislative changes have Israel in turmoil, and Bar-Ilan welcomes the debate. The event will be held on Wednesday, March 15, on the university campus, in front of building 306 (by gate 1). Starting at 10:30 and continuing until 13:00, the event will include booths, refreshments, a presentation of Israel’s Declaration of Independence, and sitting areas where students can think together and talk.

The event will begin with a series of TED-style talks:

Dr. Ori Aronson of the Faculty of Law will present possible scenarios for the day following the reform.

Prof. Ruth Halperin-Kaddari of the Faculty of Law will discuss the consequences of the planned legislation on women.

Prof. Rivka Tuval-Mashiach of the Department of Psychology will discuss national resilience in light of the political changes.

Prof. Elise Brezis of the Department of Economics department will detail the economic consequences of the legislation.

Prof. Oren Perez of the Faculty of Law will discuss the environmental consequences of the planned reform.

Discussion circles will then be available with the participation of Prof. Amnon Albeck, Prof. Ittai Bar-Siman-Tov, Dr. Revital Hami-Ziniman, Prof. Shahar Lifshitz, and Dr. Shiri Regev-Messalem.

Additionally, one-on-one talks dealing with equality and freedom will be held with Prof. Itsik Bergel, Dr. Anat Herbst-Debby, Dr. Avinoam Dahar, and Prof. Roni Geva.