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26.03.2023 | ד ניסן התשפג

"A Broad Agreement is the Only Way to End the Crisis"

BIU President Prof. Arie Zaban calls on PM to halt judicial reform in order to rethink course of action and prevent a rift in Israeli society


The President of Bar-Ilan University, Prof. Arie Zaban, calls on the Israeli Prime Minister to halt the judicial reform today: "The month of Nissan, in which we bless the Ilanot (trees), and begin the month of freedom, is the month in which the people of Israel became a people. 

I call on you, Mr. Prime Minister, to prevent the disintegration of Israeli society and the rift in the Jewish nation. 

I have been watching, with anxiety, how Israeli society is breaking apart right before our eyes. A month had passed since we, heads of Israel's research universities, called for discussion, and many joined our conversation and calling. 

Unfortunately, since then, the situation has deteriorated. Israel's leading jurists joined hands and outlined a general agreement to serve the State of Israel and its citizens and preserve Israel's unique nature as a Jewish and democratic state. 

A broad agreement is the only way to end the crisis confronting the State of Israel. I hope our leaders will prove their leadership and adopt the "People’s Framework" to rebuild trust between the State of Israel and its citizens. 

I call on the Israeli government to stop and rethink the course of action. I wish for unity in the spirit of the blessing of this month, "and the beginning of this month will be an end to all our troubles and a beginning to the redemption of our souls."