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26.07.2023 | ח אב התשפג

Prof. Shmuel Feiner Appointed to Israel Academy of Sciences & Humanities

Prof. Feiner of BIU’s Koschitzky Department of Jewish History and Contemporary Jewry researches the modernization of European Jewry

שמואל פיינר

Congratulations to Prof. Shmuel Feiner, of the Israel and Golda Koschitzky Department of Jewish History and Contemporary Jewry at Bar-Ilan University, on his appointment to the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities.

Prof. Feiner is head of the Braun Chair for the History of the Jews in Germany, and the Chairperson of the Historical Society of Israel. Among his main areas of research over the years are the modernization processes among European Jewry in the 18th and 19th centuries, the Jewish Enlightenment movement in Central and Eastern Europe, trends of secularization, the history of women in modern times and the history of German Jews.

Along with his research, Prof. Feiner has been active over the years in a number of institutions, and is a member of committees promoting the humanities, Jewish studies and historical studies in Israel. He served as Chairperson of the Historical Society of Israel, as a member of the editorial team of the magazine "Zion", on the public council of the National Library and the Leo Baeck Institute in Jerusalem for the Study of German Jews. In addition, Prof. Feiner published dozens of books, was a member of various committees and won significant awards for his research.

The President of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Prof. David Harel, congratulated the membership and its new members, and expressed his confidence that, along with their research achievements and scientific excellence, they will greatly contribute to the activities of the Israel Academy of Sciences, enrich it with the best of their knowledge and experience, and help fulfill its tasks to strengthen science in Israel.

The Israeli Academy of Sciences and Humanities aims to bring together top scientists in Israel, promoting scientific activity and government consultation in matters of scientific research and planning.