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06.06.2024 | כט אייר התשפד

Want a Tech Job in 2024? Get a Degree in Humanities

Industry Leaders highlight the growing importance of creative and critical thinking skills, rather than programming, in the future job market

a job in tech

As technology advances, the landscape of job requirements is dramatically shifting. For those eyeing a tech job in 2024, a surprising contender is emerging as a valuable qualification: A degree in Liberal Arts. Strange as this may seem, industry leaders are stressing the importance of skills acquired through the study of humanities and social sciences.

The Changing Role of Programming

Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang has made a compelling case for the evolving role of technology in our lives. Contrary to the belief that everyone should learn to program, Huang suggests that the rise of AI is transforming how we interact with technology. "They would tell you it is vital that your children learn computer science and everybody should learn how to program; but in fact it's almost exactly the opposite," Huang said. "It is our job to create computing technology such that nobody has to program, and that the programming language is human. Everybody in the world is now a programmer. This is the miracle of artificial intelligence.”

This approach could mean that the gap between technical experts and non-technical users is closing. The ability of AI technologies to “understand” and process human language means that programming knowledge is no longer a barrier to leveraging advanced technology.

Wanted: Creative Prompt Engineers

Similarly, Matt Candy, Global Managing Partner for Generative AI at IBM emphasizes the importance of skills traditionally associated with the Liberal Arts. As AI becomes more integrated into various industries, the demand for employees who can navigate these technologies using language and creative thinking is increasing. Candy advises job seekers to focus on language and creative thinking skills developed through Liberal Arts education. "Rather than us having to learn to talk the language of technology and programming computers, effectively they're learning to talk our language," Candy said.

This insight is particularly relevant for roles like prompt engineers, who train AI models by feeding them with human language commands. These positions, which do not require deep technical expertise, can command high salaries. The ability to manage AI's "hallucinations" or inaccuracies by understanding and refining its language processing is becoming a crucial skill.

Democratization of Skills

The broader impact of AI on the job market also suggests a resurgence in demand for creative thinkers. As AI handles more technical tasks, the capacity for creative and innovative thought processes becomes increasingly valuable. Candy notes, "Questioning, creativity skills, and innovation are going to be hugely important because AI’s going to free up more capacity for creative thought processes.”

The democratization of skills means that creative roles, such as graphic design, are no longer exclusive to those with formal training in the arts. Tools like Dall-E allow anyone with creative ideas to engage in design work, expanding opportunities for Liberal Arts graduates.

The Rise of Non-Technical Workers

This trend is echoed by George Lee, Co-Head of Applied Innovation at Goldman Sachs, who describes AI as leading to the "revenge of the Liberal Arts." He highlights that skills in critical thinking, logic, and creativity—core aspects of a Liberal Arts education—are essential for working effectively with AI. "AI will allow non-technical people to accomplish a lot more—and, by the way, begin to perform what were formerly believed to be technical tasks," Lee stated.

Preparing for a Tech-Driven Future

The rapid integration of AI across industries is not without challenges. As companies like IBM and Accenture predict, the nature of many jobs will change, with fewer people needed for repetitive tasks and more emphasis on those who can effectively use AI. This highlights the importance of continuous learning and adaptability in the workforce.

For job seekers, especially those updating their resumes in the near future, considering the broader implications of AI on employability is crucial. While coding skills remain valuable, a background in Liberal Arts can provide a unique edge in the evolving job market, providing the essential skills to thrive in an AI-driven future.

Humanities at Bar-Ilan University: Passion for Human Wisdom

The Faculty of Humanities at Bar-Ilan University stands out for its dedication to academic excellence in theoretical fields. Its scholars are deeply invested in human wisdom and critical thinking, passionately decoding texts and ideas, and are committed to rigorous, educated analysis. They consistently publish in prestigious journals and present at international conferences. Studying Humanities at Bar-Ilan University provides students with the creative original thinking and communicative skills required for the future.

The faculty includes a variety of study fields, including philosophy, history, literature, classical studies, languages, translation, Asian studies, music, and information sciences. Its flexible curricula allow for focused or interdisciplinary study, including the new Sustainability and Humanities Major. Choosing Bar-Ilan's Faculty of Humanities means joining a vibrant intellectual community committed to advancing human knowledge and impacting culture and society.