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20.04.2021 | ח אייר התשפא

Teddy Bear Hospital at BIU's Azrieli Faculty of Medicine

The free online event for children was held on Monday, May 3, 2021


BIU’s Azrieli Faculty of Medicine opened a Teddy Bear Hospital on Monday, May 3.  Children aged 3-7 were invited to bring a favorite teddy bear or doll, and to ask questions about illness, injuries or medical care. Azrieli Faculty students and doctors spoke to the children, suggesting medical treatment for their dolls and teddy bears, and answering questions.

The Teddy Bear Hospital is a popular community event held annually by the Azrieli Faculty of Medicine in the Galilee for children, their parents, and educators. The event aims to alleviate pre-existing fears that children might have toward medical treatment. This year the free event took place via Zoom (in Hebrew).