Agrotechnological Transfer between Late Antiquity and Early Modern Times
Continuity and Discontinuity of Agrotechnological Transfer in the Eastern Mediterranean Region between Late Antiquity and Early Modern Times

The workshop, "Continuity and Discontinuity of Agrotechnological Transfer in the Eastern Mediterranean Region between Late Antiquity and Early Modern Times," will take place on February 6-8, 2023, at Bar-Ilan University.
The event and research, funded by the Israel Science Foundation will include comprehensive research presentations by over 30 senior and post-doctoral researchers and promising doctoral students representing leading universities and research institutions in Israel (TAU, Haifa, Ben-Gurion, Israel Geological Survey, Israel Antiquities Authority, Dead Sea and Arava Science Center) and worldwide (Hong Kong, Bonn, Cambridge, Boston, and more).
During the workshop, we will present and survey the results of four seasons of excavation at the Caesarea Plot-and-Berm agroecosystem research site, where we uncovered what we presume to be the first extensive agricultural system in the world developed in sand. We applied advanced scientific archaeological and geoarchaeological methods during excavations.
The conference participants will discuss the nature of the transition of agricultural knowledge in the Mediterranean basin region from the end of the Byzantine period to the onset of the modern era.
The conference's conclusions will be summarized in a special edition publication or a book.