Meet Orlando Marin
Marin made a novel scientific breakthrough while pursuing his doctorate in Physics and Chemistry at Bar-Ilan’s Institute for Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials (BINA).

Meet Orlando Marin, of Costa Rica and Taiwan, who made a novel scientific breakthrough while pursuing his doctorate in Physics and Chemistry at Bar-Ilan’s Institute for Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials (BINA). Orlando discovered a new strategy for the formation of faceted nanoparticles in sizes, materials and shapes, which had been previously unachievable by any other method. “These nanoparticles open new routes towards the self-assembly of photonic crystals, and also towards the nanotechnology-based applications in medicine,” says Prof. Eli Sloutskin, Orlando’s scientific advisor, who mentored him in collaboration with Profs. Moshe Deutsch and David Zitoun, all of whom are affiliated with BINA.
Orlando, who was awarded a merit-based Doctoral Fellowship of Excellence to study at Bar-Ilan University, was selected to participate in the Erasmus + Student Exchange Program at the University of Granada in Spain last year. He speaks five languages, including Spanish, English, Hebrew, Chinese and Japanese, and holds a BSc in Materials Science and Engineering from National Chiao Tung University, and an MSc in Materials Science from National Tsing Hua University, both in Taiwan.
Why I chose to study this area:
In my opinion, Bar-Ilan has the greatest nanotechnology center in Israel, state-of-the-art research facilities and excellent lecturers. My professor’s research in Materials Science is very interesting and very similar to what I want to do with my professional career in research and development of materials for medicine.
The Bar-Ilan Institute for Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials (BINA) has the best equipment there is in microscopy techniques, in transmission electronic microscopy (TEM), in scanning electron microscopy and in focus-ion beam microscopy. The amazing thing about studying there is that any BINA student is able to learn how to use this equipment in order to see his/her samples. This is extraordinary in comparison to other universities, where students usually have to wait weeks, in order to have access to the equipment. BINA’s faculty is also very flexible in the way they help students, and they even let students with the correct training use the equipment after work hours and sometimes even on weekends
What I enjoy most at Bar-Ilan:
For science students, the BINA staff makes sure to hasten everything for your research. The campus has great facilities and we don’t need to travel to other places in order to be able to continue with our research. I like the fact that it’s really easy to socialize, and that everyone is ready to help you. I love the concerts on campus – and the good beer!
BIU’s International School was very supportive during my time at BIU – I lacked nothing, and I was assisted in everything.
Future Plans:
After completing my postdoctoral research in Chemical and Biological Physics at the Weizmann Institute of Science, I plan to work at a company developing new medical materials.
My favorite corner on campus:
The second floor of the Nanotechnology building, because I have many good memories of spending time there with friends. It was here where I made a lot of Israeli friends – very strong relationships, which will last for years, without a doubt.
What I will take with me from my BIU studies:
Studying in Israel and at Bar-Ilan University has given me, and therefore my career, a huge boost and, from this point on, I expect my opportunities to grow quickly. It has been an experience I can recommend to everyone, especially those who want to broaden their minds and enhance their careers.