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BIU Physics to Lead SpaceTech 2023

SpaceTech Summit will present Harvard U's Galileo project, and focus on cyber, quantums, climate, UFOs, and more

בדיקת ראיה - בחלל

Since time immemorial, human beings have wondered whether we are alone in this universe. While evidence and theories have accumulated over the years, an unequivocal answer has yet to be found. This is the subject of SpaceTech's 2023 keynote talk by the noted Harvard University astrophysicist, Prof. Avi Loeb. This is the first time, Prof. Loeb will be addressing an Israeli audience  about the Galileo Project an international scientific research study that undertakes to systematically search for extraterrestrial intelligence or extraterrestrial technology and identify the nature of unidentified objects and unidentified  aerial phenomena (UAPs), which may not originate from Earth.

SpaceTech will be held on May 22 at Expo Tel Aviv (9:00-16:30). It will focus on building the space economy, estimated at a trillion dollars, and the Space Nation as a growth engine for Earth. 

SpaceTech 2023

Bar-Ilan University, the Israeli Ministry of Science and leading companies and organizations will attend the event, including Microsoft, NVIDIA, Elbit, Israel Aerospace Industries, AWS, Deloitte, LIGO UAE, and TYPE5 Aerospace Investment. The event will be moderated by Dror Globerman and is intended for developers, entrepreneurs, private investors and venture capital funds, and marketing, technology, and science managers and professionals.

Bar-Ilan students and faculty will receive a special discount by applying coupon code "spacebiu200"

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